Screen Test
NYCC SCREEN TEST, is an initiative to create a unique camera and lens testing environment for modern cinematographers.
Discover NYCC Brooklyn – camera rental facility and clubhouse set inside a renovated 1920’s historic Williamsburg factory offering a real-world testing environment akin to a New York City shooting location.
Large windows with natural light, exposed brick textures, vaulted ceilings, complimented by original 19th century wood features gives you the perfect setting to experiment with your camera and lens choices.

Enjoy collaborative testing and workspace, lounge, pool table, and refreshments. Everyone is welcome.
Motion Picture Film Stock Refrigeration
NYCC Screen Test Studio has a Brooklyn loft aesthetic, an open floor plan with practical lights and film lighting for testing.
Arri Sky Panels, Quasar Science Lighting, and Tungsten Units Available.
Test the latest Cameras, Lenses, LUTS, and Filters.
Utilize our natural light studio or pick specialty lighting from our lighting inventory.
Bring production design and wardrobe elements into the studio for your upcoming production.